Rover’s Recess offers visits to fit your pets’ needs while you’re away.
For those clients with “Cat-Only Homes,” we offer a quick visit during which your cats are fed, watered and medicated (when applicable). Litter boxes are scooped, mail and newspapers are collected and house is given a “lived in” look. All kitties are checked on and accounted for before we leave.
When a client has canine friends, with or without cats, we offer 20 minute and 30 minute visits. These timed visits allow ample opportunity to tend to your pets’ needs while also providing exercise, play, dog walks and lots of love.
Any questions or concerns contact Laurie at

Whether you are a home with cats, dogs or a combination of both, Rover's Recess Inc. is available to tend to your pets’ needs, while providing copious amounts of love and companionship. Your pets may not even realize you’re gone!
Call Rover's Recess, Inc. today to customize all of your pet care needs at
(219) 916-8548.