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Identification: An adult male Wood roach is 7/8-1 1/8" long, whereas the female is 1/2" - 7/8" long.  They are generally chestnut brown in color.  The male is fully winged and a good flier, while the female has reduced wings that are functionless for flight.

Habits: Most commonly mistaken for a German cockroach, the Wood roach is an outdoor insect that occasionally finds itself indoors while foraging or when firewood is brought into the home. As their name implies, this species is commonly found in wooded areas, woodpiles, under the bark of old logs and under wooden shingles. They feed primarily on decaying organic material.

Control:  An outdoor perimeter/barrier treatment with the appropriately labeled pesticide will provide the best results. Monroe Pest Control Inc. has highly qualified technicians who will eliminate these cockroaches and offer a full warranty upon completion of services.


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